Monday 26 September 2011

Overseas Pavilion South of England Show

Overseas Visitors to the South of England Show in June are in for a treat. We have a specially designated Pavilion in a prime ringside position where they receive a warm welcome, advice if required on different areas of the Show, a steaming hot cup of coffee or tea and the facility to leave belongings in safe keeping while wandering around the Show. The Pavilion is manned on a voluntary basis by farmers, and their friends, who have have taken part in the exchanges and study visits in Europe and other parts of the world, which have been generously sponsored over many years by the South of England Agricultural Society in Ardingly, West Sussex.

Visitors can meet up with old friends, make new acquaintances and on occasions meet distinguished visitors to the Show, which in the past have included the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip; the Prince of Wales, Prince Charles and Ambassadors to the Court of St. James. In addition, they are entertained by displays of the highest standard in the Main Ring, competitions to judge the very best in British Agriculture, horses, show jumpers, ponies and perhaps most well-known of all: a fabulous display of cattle representing the best in country.

If visitors have a few moments to spare, they may enjoy looking at the many displays adorning the Pavilion walls. Amongst others, they can view photographs of people and agriculture enterprises taken during the annual visits to mainland Europe organised by the Eurolink Agricultural Club, some of the them catching people unawares in unguarded moments, which I leave to your imagination. Most of the stewards in the Pavilion have been active members of Eurolink and are happy to converse with you.

The Pavilion is generously sponsored and these supporters are also in the Pavilion. You will be pleasantly surprised when you see who they are.

Put the dates of next year's South of England Show in your diary: June the 7th, 8th and 9th 2012. We look forward to welcoming you.

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