Thursday 12 July 2012

Game Fair 2012 Cancelled

The CLA (Country Land & Business Association) website has published a notice with respect to the Game Fair:

It is with great regret that we need to tell you that the CLA Game Fair 2012 has been cancelled due to adverse weather and ground conditions.

We were forecast 36 hours of drying conditions, which we have had. We hoped that this would have been enough to dry out the waterlogged ground. Unfortunately, the benefit has been negligible and as such it would prove impossible to allow the 3,000-4,000 vehicle movements still required to complete the remainder of the show build.

Every effort has been made over the past few weeks to protect the integrity of the ground to enable the event to go ahead.  The weather forecast is predicting significant further rainfall in the next 48 hours. The situation looks set to only deteriorate from this point on.

This knowledge combined with increased health and safety risks during the build and for the public during the three days of the CLA Game Fair has led us to the point where we do not believe we can deliver the show.

Unfortunately we have had no option but to take the sad decision that this year's CLA Game Fair cannot go ahead.

Please bear with us through this challenging time.

The event site is now closed due to ground conditions

For all general enquiries please call: 0845 612 2052

 More information can be found here

Our thoughts go to the CLA and all those involved with the Game Fair.

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