Monday 9 July 2012

Dairy Crisis Update - 9th of July 2012

A quick update on what has happened with the dairy crisis since the last update or updates I missed the first time around:

Sainsburys - the supermarket has published on their website - a press release that explained why they had increased the price per litre (ppl). Sainsbury's, from the 1st of July 2012, increased "the price paid to British dairy farmers through the sustainable Cost of Production (COP) model" to 30.56 ppl.

The Sainsbury's Dairy Development Group (SDDG) rewards farmers for outstanding animal welfare and environmental standards as well as 'a quarterly review of feed, fuel and fertiliser" and "the COP milk price changes to reflect these varying costs to ensure a fair deal for the 324 farmers" who are int the Sainsbury's scheme.

On the 6th of July, Sainsbury's published a further press release that listed three points for backing a fair price for British dairy farmers - these are:
  1. Customers expect farmers to be paid a fair price
  2. Paying a price above the cost of production is vital for the long term sustainability of the dairy industry
  3. Sainsbury's Dairy Development Group (SDDG) farmers are incentivised for animal welfare and environmental excellence 
My last posting on this current dairy crisis described that The National Farmer's Union was going to hold an emergency meeting. The location and date has been decided:

Emergency London Dairy Summit and Demonstration
Wednesday July 11
Central Hall, Westminster, Storey’s Gate, London SW1H 9NH 

12.30pm – 3.30pm 

The NFU has also created a Facebook page The Milkman Always Delivers for those who embrace social media and if you wish to post about the dairy crisis on Twitter, you are asked to add the hashtag title: #sosmilk. 

There is another Facebook site entitled SUPERMARKETS: Stop forcing British Dairy Farming out of business - Be Fair! and has a few more members, at present, than the previously mentioned page.

It will be interesting to see what else comes out today and the next few days before the meeting. 

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