Tuesday 3 April 2012

Where do you get your farming news?

With the advent of the Internet, there has been a reduction of noise of mail falling through the letter box of the door, although there has been an increase of electronic mail coming through to your email in box. But as a farmer or a rural practitioner, how do you find out the news with regard to your industry? 

I have put forward a few links, below, that are useful to farmers and rural practitioners for getting news on their industry. Some of the weblinks may ask you to register or become members with them. Please note that these websites are outside the control of this Blog and whilst we've done our best to make sure it's suitable for you to visit, we remind you that we're not responsible for non Eurolink web content. 

Can you add anymore, add to the comments below.

Country Land & Business Association


The Farmers Guardian  

The Farmers Weekly 

The National Farmer's Union

NetRegs, a website that deals with efficiency and environmental guidelines is going through a structural change and is being split up into the countries England, Northern Ireland, Scotland & Wales and the information is being disseminated between the Business Link and the Environment Agency websites (things are not always easy).

Rural Payments Agency

South East Farmer

South of England Agricultural Society

On asking a farming friend in Canada, I was told they read The Western Producer

As I asked, can anyone add their own useful websites? Use the comment box below. 

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