Tuesday, 24 April 2012

What is Eurolink?

So you will have noticed this blog deals with things both agricultural and rural related, but what is Eurolink, please read below

The Eurolink Agricolae Club was formed fifteen years ago to enable those who had taken part in Eurolink exchanges to maintain friendships and continue to learn through the exchange of ideas amongst people with similar business or personal interests.

The Club publishes two Newsletters a year, sometimes in as many as four different languages, and these contain reports about Club activities, articles by members about topics connected with their businesses, or just items of general interest.

The Club also holds a Reunion every year in different countries. To date, four Reunions have been held in France, two in the Netherlands, one in Germany, one in Spain, one in Hungary, one in Scotland, and four in England.

The Club has extended its membership by including associate membership for those from land-based industries who have not taken part in an exchange but are interested in joining in the Club activities, and by widening its membership outside Europe.

We would be delighted to hear from anyone who would like to join us.
To find out more about the Eurolink Agricolae Club, either read our blog at: http://eurolinkseas.blogspot.com or email the Club secretary on julia_reynolds@hotmail.com or by post to The Secretary, Eurolink Agricolae Club, The South of England Agricultural Society, The South of England Centre, Ardingly, West Sussex, RH17 6TL.

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