Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Livestock 2012 - Day Two (updated)

Livestock 2012 - Day Two

EBLEX (The organisation for the English Beef and Sheep Industry) in their blog, Beef and Lamb Matters, describe their two days at Livestock 2012 on this page and highlights two of their publications - Better Returns from Pure-Dairy bred Male Calves (BRP 10) and Balancing the Market.

Farmer's Weekly have released a statement from Jim Paice MP at losing his position as the Minister of Agriculture and Food, this statement can be found here. The last sentence of the statement is very poignant. "As I have said repeatedly to farmers change should be seen as an opportunity – that applies to me now!"

The Farmer's Weekly highlights a list of top tips for livestock handlers published by NFU Mutual. These are two of the top tips:
  • Keep your mobile phone in a chest pocket so you can call for help.
  • Always take a moment to consider the risks of a task.
The Farmer's Weekly has published a summary of the Livestock 2012 event with links to the FWi articles under News & Business, Technical and Machinery News

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